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Registration Cost and Breakdown

Here’s the cost of registration this season:

  • Winchester Residents and HOA members
    •  First child $120
    • Each additional $105
  • Non Winchester residents/Non HOA members
    • First child $150
    • Each additional $135

Here’s a breakdown of what your registration fee covers:

1. 8 weeks of coaching- over 100 hours of swim instruction and swim meets! (that’s around $1.20-$1.50 per hour!)

2. Custom team shirt

3. Custom team cap

4. End of year swim plaque (1st year swimmers) with year placard

5. Ribbons earned over the course of the season

6. Swimmingly registration fee (our swim meet platform)

7. League fees, life guard fees, and insurance

8. SwimTopia fees: Wave uses the swimtopia web platform (winchesterwave.org) for registration, event management, merchandise sales, etc.

9 Printer, paper, ink, markers, labels, and all additional miscellaneous supply costs.

10. And let’s not forget, our wonderful Coaches’ salaries!

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