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Meet Absence Declarations

If your swimmer will be missing a meet, it's really important to let the coaches know  

You only need to declare your attendance IF your swimmer will be absent.  Coaches will assume swimmers WILL BE ATTENDING a meet unless you let them know via the following steps:

HOW TO SUBMIT ABSENCES: (Done in Swimmingly Clubhouse) (only for absences)

BEFORE STARTING meet declarations, make sure you have logged into your Parent account in the Swimmingly® Clubhouse

Step 1: Open up your Meet Schedule tab in your account


You can access the Menu Bar and the Meet Schedule tab in the top-right corner

Don't see the Meet Schedule tab on your Menu sidebar? See below!

IF you do not see the Meet Schedule tab, you will first need to select your club name.

Once you select on your club name, you will then be able to access the Meet Schedule tab in the Menu sidebar

Step 2: On the Meet Schedule tab, select the meet that you wish to declare your swimmer(s) for.

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IF you see "Meet Declarations (pending)" that means that your Club Admin has not yet opened up meet declarations for the swim meet yet.

Step 3: Declare your swimmers as "attending" or "not attending"

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Any declarations will be saved in real-time as soon as you take action here.

That's it! Your Club Admin will now be able to view your meet declarations for the upcoming swim meet.

If you are a Club Admin and want to declare your swimmer(s) for an upcoming swim meet, please click HERE.

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